New president and vice president for Student Senate

Steele Giles, Staff Writer

The imminent ending of the semester is making its mark everywhere and the Student Senate is no exception.

Business on Sunday started off with swearing Matt Mullins and Kelley Robinson in as the president and vice president of next year’s senate. Nine new student senators were elected, representing several academic schools.

The agenda item that took up the most time concerned the construction of a pavilion out by the sand volleyball courts, taking the place of the old service learning project near the nature trail.
A budget had been approved based on an early proposal, which was subsequently submitted to Facility Services for evaluation. The revised proposal came back recommending a number of changes that called for double the original budget.

Many of the changes were required to bring the pavilion up to the standards held by WSC and included things like adding a ramp to make it wheelchair accessible, switching from asphalt roofing to metal, changing the framing that supports the roof and using a more durable variety of concrete.


The Senate is going to see about convincing Facility Services to contribute to the increased budget, but voted to increase the money allocated to the project to the new recommendation’s $5,000.
In an effort to get approved in time for the allocations meetings, student David Greunke came before the senate to propose adding the Dungeons and Dragons club to WSC’s extensive list of student organizations.


The club’s stated goal is to create a community of players and storytellers in order to increase access to resources and games. It will be headed up by Greunke and Justin Lester and advised by Dr. Ron Loggins. Club funds would go towards acquiring and maintaining a library of the rulebooks required to play the games. These books would be loaned out to dues-paying members.
Having no objections to the proposal, the senate approved the creation of the club.


The senate is looking for nominations for the Professor of the Year awards. Anybody looking to nominate a professor for it should e-mail with an explanation for why that professor deserves the award by April 17.