Remember the good ‘ol days when we had recess in school?
Personally, recess was my favorite class and I should’ve made it my major.
Kids would run out of class elated with joy, ready to play games or play a sport of their pleasing. Tetherball, 4-square, basketball. There were even those that stayed inside and played connect 4, mancala, or even Candyland.
One thing was for certain: There was always that one kid that would try to change the rules so he/she can win.
It never failed, they wanted to win so bad they gave up all morality and would try to convince you that you’re playing the game wrong and that they are correct.
At my school, it was always Tony. In the NFL, it’s a guy named Bill.
In 2007, New England Patriots Bill Belichick was found guilty of having team officials spy on and tape the New York Jets practices. We still aren’t completely sure how much an advantage this may have given the Patriots, but the fact that Belichick knowingly did such a thing that is against league rules is a cause for worry.
Belichick was fined by the NFL $500,000, which is the maximum. The head coach is currently under a $7 million-plus contract with the Patriots, that fine doesn’t even put a dent in his pocket, a scratch at most.
Eight years later, Belichick is still leading the Patriots to playoff births year after year, and the Pats have won the AFC East 12 out of the last 14 years. Now, with them on the cusps of obtaining yet another Super Bowl ring, we have another scandal.
With “Scandals” Olivia Pope unavailable, the NFL has put on its lead investigators to figure out who, what, when, where, and why were 11 of the Patriots 12 balls a bit under inflated for their AFC championship game against the Colts. Which New England won 45-7.
Suspect number one has to be Belichick.
Or does it?
The Patriots have a massive human being known by most as “Gronk,” who probably has the power to deflate a football using only his thumb and pinky. If Gronkowski touched any of those balls, look no further, the case is solved.
Also, the Patriots attained more first downs by rushing than passing.
Lagarette Blount had 148 yards rushing and 3 touchdowns. The Colts had a mere 209 yards of offense total.
A slightly deflated football has no help with rushing the ball. Blount could have been carrying 40 pound dumbbells and still maneuvered his way through the Colts defense.
Saturday, per NFL sources, they had a new suspect. One of the Patriots locker room attendants, which the league says they have on video taking 24 balls into “another area on the way to the field,” after league officials inspected the balls.
Late Monday night, the video surfaced of the attendant taking the balls into a secluded area known as the bathroom. Which, according to the video, he was in and out within 90 seconds. If the attendant had enough time to handle his business, deflate 11 footballs and wash his hands within 90 seconds he may as well be nominated for an ESPY.
If not, said attendant is AT LEAST in violation of the “Every employee MUST wash your hands” rule.
At this point, the NFL is starting to look like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, blindly pointing fingers at something that had little implications on the blowout game.
Maybe they’re out to get Belichick, maybe they just want more hype for the Super Bowl.
Or maybe, just maybe, there is something serious going on with the deflation of these balls.
If so, I suggest they give Olivia Pope another call.