A couple weeks ago I did an appreciation column for friends that have made such an impact on my life that I have picked up on how they are.
This week I want to just appreciate all of my friends because everyone needs a little love and reminder that they are wanted.
I’m going to start with my best friend, and if you read my last column you’ll recognize her name — Robyn. She has been my day one even though I was a butt in the beginning. She has been an amazing constant in my life, especially on my hard days. I am so thankful that she lets me message her whenever and that she is there.
The other day she found a Facebook post I did answering questions about her, and honestly I don’t think I was being honest when answering those. She is honestly one of the most important people in my life.
Robyn is a pretty good reminder that there are still good people out there. Often times I feel like I don’t deserve her friendship, but I am sure as hell thankful that she is still in my life. God did a good job picking her to keep me sane throughout my life.
And, again, she introduced me to some amazing people. Shout out to Emily T., Jace, Michelle, Emily H. and McKaylla. They have been a big reason for me making it through this semester without breaking down every two seconds. Believe it or not college is hard without good friends. They are always down for a good time and some crazy game nights. Laughing is never too hard when I am around these people.
There is also Libby whom I mentioned last time. She has encouraged me and been a big part of me enjoying coming to the paper on Tuesday nights. Not only does she make the paper entertaining, she is a pretty amazing friend to have by my side.
I am so happy I met her freshman year and she has stuck with my crazy a** since then. I know she will be an amazing lawyer in the future. There is a good chance I may need her to get me out of something. Hopefully we have time to get together and hang out soon. I am going to miss the heck out of her when we graduate.
Moving on to my friend Maddy that I met while working at Pac ‘N’ Save. We had spent waaaaay too much time cleaning the store front windows during the summer. I am glad I met her because she made going in just a little bit easier. Let’s face it, people in bad moods can really put a damper on how you are feeling.
Anyway, after cleaning windows we just became friends. She has become such a big part of my life it’s kind of crazy. She helped my summer unforgettable. Honestly, it feels like we have been friends for longer than we really have.
We spent her birthday weekend in Omaha together with Ally and Kennedy. We spent a lot of money, but had way more laughs. I am glad I got to spend her birthday weekend with her along with all the other days. Hopefully, I get to be there when she celebrates her 21st. She is my pizza and “Grey’s Anatomy” date every week.
Now, Julia. Thank you to the campus newspaper, I have made a pretty good friend in this one. She made our internship pretty entertaining, and helped me along the way of learning new things. She is really good on picking up on my bad moods and trying to make me feel better.
Like I mentioned earlier, I am going to miss her so much when she graduates in the spring. I won’t get to see her pretty face every week. I will miss laughing while she is parodying a song, and just having a good honest conversation with her.
Another person that I have gotten closer to this semester is my friend Morgan. It all started with being roomed with a girl I didn’t know during a school trip, and honestly after that, I don’t really know what happened. She just became my friend.
We have a couple classes together this semester, and thankfully she won’t be one of the upper classmen leaving me in the dust. She will be walking to Willow Bowl the same day as me. I’m happy that I sat next to her in Media Literacy so that we can catch up after crazy weekends and Thursday nights. On another note, I highly recommend her as a group project partner.
Kaitlynn came to me as a freshman, when she joined the Stater team. Though we have only recently kindled a friendship, she is still a great person to be around. We sit next to each other in the Stater office, and bulls*** while we do our pages.
We are generally laughing at some stupid crap one of us said and the other played off of. You would think we hated each other with some of the things we say, but we really don’t. We do have actual conversations most of the time. They can get pretty deep, but most of the time we are just catching up on the latest s*** we did.
Thank God for all of these crazy, fun and probably, bonkers people.