Wayne State College is offering a study abroad trip to Costa Rica that is worth six credit hours in Spanish Language and Culture classes. The trip takes place this summer from June 2 through July 3. Applications for the program are due Jan. 23.
The study abroad program includes field trips, classes, and personal, cross-cultural interaction. All of the classes are taught in Spanish in association with COSI-Máximo Nivel Spanish Institute.
Students planning on participating in the trip like the fact that they can enroll in classes while also immersing themselves in Costa Rican culture.
“I want to further my Spanish language in Costa Rica, and to have fun with my college,” sophomore McKaylla Christian said.
Daniel Barrios said that he is ready for Costa Rica because it will be a fun trip, and it will help him get a couple classes out of the way.
“I was told when I came to visit, as a high school senior, [that a study abroad trip] would be helpful for my major,” Christian said.
Students will go to San José and Manual Antonio. There will be a full-time WSC faculty member accompanying the students who will be in charge of the academic aspect and the logistics.
“I will be taking six credits, so two classes over there and sight-seeing,” Christian said. “I know we get to tour around and will experience a lot of fun [activities].”
She said that she is looking forward to being required to speak Spanish and being a part of the culture for the month that she is there.
“We will get to for a month, and do a lot of things I wouldn’t do here like white water rafting, parasailing, or some other fun things,” Christian said. “I’m excited for this trip.”
Barrios is ready for an amazing experience in another country and to study a new culture.
For more information on the program contact Dr. Adolfo Cacheiro who is the faculty member planning the program.