World Speech Day is coming to Wayne, giving students an opportunity to share their thoughts on any subject ranging from taboo topics to everyday occurrences or even a combination.
While World Speech Day is actually on March 15, the WSC student-run and held event will be in front of the library from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 12.
“On World Speech Day students are invited to speak up and share their viewpoints on different issues,” student Sarah Kreber said.
Dr. Teresa Morales and her Case Studies in Organizational Leadership class will be creating this fun and open speech event.
“I’m excited to see and hear all of the different students come together and speak up and open the conversation about different issues,” Kreber said.
In three years World Speech Day has become an idea that’s spread to more than 90 nations. The goal around the world is to celebrate the simple powers of speech, get everyday voices heard and extend public speaking education across the globe.
According to anyone can participate in this worldwide phenomenon by making a speech, “Everyone has ideas. And everyone can have a voice on World Speech Day. Just one voice can change everything.”