One of the most important political lessons I’ve learned yet: Nebraska State Senator Loran Schmit taught me the importance of working together, regardless of political views.
It is imperative that we come together and focus on the biggest threat to our national security, global warming.
Ted Cruz has been quoted saying, “Climate change is not science, it’s religion.”
Cruz’s American Energy Renaissance Act would not only open federal lands to oil and gas exploration, but it would also prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating hazardous emissions.
The main focus of Marco Rubio’s energy plan is drilling and fracking, which would only lead to the further extraction of earth’s energy.
Trump told Hugh Hewitt in September, “I believe there’s change, and I believe it goes up and it goes down, and it goes up again. And it changes depending on years and centuries, but I am not a believer, and we have much bigger problems.”
“The Lorax,” by Dr. Seuss, portrays an environment that does not have the ability to run a finite system on a linear planet.
Bernie Sanders, figuratively compares to the Lorax; he’s short, he has messy hair and he’s always preaching, but no one’s listening.
Sanders, unlike other politicians, puts people, the environment and science before corporations. Humans overkill and over harvest biological wealth. We need a president who is going to protect and rebuild the forests, a president who, like the Lorax, will speak for trees.