We challenge you…to donate blood

We challenge you...to donate blood

Hanna Conrad, Staff Writer

We Challenge U to donate blood.

The American Red Cross is challenging Wayne State College to donate 65 pints or more during the “We Challenge U” blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 12 in the student center.

Those who donate will receive a free t-shirt.

From Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, The American Red Cross is partnering up with colleges and universities during a nation-wide program called “We Challenge U.” The aim of this program is to boost the blood supply during two of the driest months of the year for donations.

January and February are the most challenging months for the Red Cross to receive blood donations. More than 450 blood drives are cancelled due to inclement weather. Also, many donors have called off their appointments during these months due to having the flu.

“15,000 pints is needed in the hospitals daily,” April Oppliger, the spokesperson for the American Red Cross Midwest Blood Services Region, said. “Shutting down a blood drive causes over 20,000 blood and platelet donations to be cancelled.”

All blood types are needed. The blood types in the shortest supply are O negative, O positive, A negative and B negative.

College and high school students provide 20 percent of blood donations, which is why the Red Cross has started this program. Twenty percent may not seem like a lot, but patients in need depend on any given amount.

For more information on donating and the requirements to do so, visit redcrossblood.org.