Get Sassy with Sarah: A profound effect


Sarah Lentz, Staff Writer

This last weekend, I went to the movie “Fury.” Seeing it three days before Veterans Day could not have been more perfect timing. This may sound silly but stick with me here. “Fury” made me so grateful for every veteran I’ve ever known and all the ones I don’t know, past, present and future.

As trivial as it seems, that movie had a profound effect on me. “Fury” is hyper-realistic in its depiction of war. It showed all of the gory violence and psychological trauma war entails in graphic detail. All I could think during the movie was, “how do things ever get this bad?” and “why did anyone ever expect men and women to go to war and come back home the same way they left?”

After seeing the film, I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for those people much braver and more patriotic than me.

I’ve never considered myself overly patriotic. I have always felt a little weird pledging my allegiance to a piece of cloth, even if it is America’s flag. I’m pretty against violence of any kind and don’t even get me started on the origins of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Even with all of that, I’m still aware that I’m beyond lucky to be born in America, protected by the Constitution. I can say what I want, do what I want and go where I want, and those are freedoms not everyone in the world are afforded, let alone all women.

In large part I owe those rights to men and women who have selflessly given their service to this country. They deserve everyone’s thanks and gratitude.

Appreciating veterans has nothing the do with political leanings. You may not support a specific war or military action, but veterans always deserve support and respect.

Even if a veteran has never served in a war or overseas, they still have sacrificed in the name of our country. They took time away from friends and family. They’ve committed time and considerable physical and psychological strength and exertion to preparing to defend the United States and its citizens even if they served during peacetime.

During Veterans Day I think it’s also important to think of the veterans who are less fortunate. According to, the Veterans Affairs website, nearly 50,000 veterans are homeless. That number pales in comparison to the number of veterans suffering from post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It’s heartbreaking that so many people who dedicated their lives to protecting our country now live on the street.

It’s even more heartbreaking that so many others suffer from PTSD and either can’t get help, or feel stigma about getting help.

We should do more to celebrate veterans than dedicating one day to thinking of them.

I’m embarrassed that it took seeing a fictional movie to make me really stop and realize how important veterans are.

So, to both of my grandfathers, two uncles, countless extended family, friends and complete strangers: thank you so much for your service.