Big breakfast blues

Tess Riecke, Staff Writer

Food is good for you.

As Spongebob once sang to Gary, “It’s the most important meal of the day. Serving it up Gary’s way. Bop!”

Our dear friend Spongebob was talking about feeding Gary breakfast. While I don’t think you should take a lot of life advice from Mr. Squarepants, this life choice is an important one.

We’ve all heard it.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I’m betting your mom, grandmother or elementary school nurse told you this at least once in your life. Easy as it is to let that go in one ear and out the other, it’s something to be listened to.

Eating well-balanced meals is essential to your overall health, physical and mental.

Having something to eat in the morning helps you concentrate throughout the day. Think about it.

You’re sitting in class, listening to your instructor when all of a sudden your stomach makes a sound that should come from an animal.

Suddenly, that’s all you can think about. Your hunger is taking over your mind and concentration. The lecture starts to become white noise and you start thinking about what you want for lunch.

If only you’d had breakfast, then you wouldn’t be in this mess.

Eating breakfast also helps maintain a healthy weight. When you eat in the morning then you are less likely to be constantly snacking during the day.

You’re also more likely to eat smaller meals at lunch and dinner.

One of the major issues students face is finding time to eat breakfast.

It’s so easy to just wake up with only the time to shower and go to class.

However, just setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier and stopping by the lower gag can help your day go better.

If you don’t want to sacrifice that extra sleep in the morning, then go to the grocery store and pick up some quick breakfast items.

While having a full meal made up of fruit, carbs and protein is ideal, even grabbing a granola bar is better than nothing.

My personal favorite breakfast is having a bagel with peanut butter on it. Peanut butter (or almond butter for those who are allergic to peanuts) is a great way to get some protein in the morning.

Another great way to start off your day is to drink a whole glass of water when you are eating breakfast. During the night, you become dehydrated, which can make you tired and sluggish later in the day.

Eating breakfast can change the way your day goes. So try to carve out some time in the morning to fill your bellies.