Changes galore in Student Senate


Tyler Fransen, Staff Writer

There was discussion about the abundant policy changes when the Student Senate met for the second time this semester on Sunday.

The president, vice-president, secretary, nine senators, and a five-person audience gallery attended the two hour meeting.

President Nolan Janzen called the meeting to order, and opened it up for discussion on several different policy changes including: student Judiciary Board background checks, appointing vs. electing the rest of the Senate members, Senate representation of departments, and so on.

Amidst the discussion of policy changes there was also talk of aesthetic changes to campus, such as the second sand volleyball court, fire pits around the residence halls and the potential for free laundry on campus.

Some of these changes, such as free laundry, were tabled for a later meeting, since they were not the most crucial items on the agenda.

The most crucial item however, at least pertaining to the Senate, was the appointing of new senators. When asked how many seats they needed to fill, the response given by Vice President Schreiter was 12, which accounts for half of the senate.

Student Senate is currently operating at half its capacity, with only the bare minimum of senators.

In trying to figure out how to attract new senators, the senate decided appointments by department would be the best option. Senator Nathan Boggess however voiced opposition and thought an election by the student body would be the more democratic approach. The question then became, fair election processes vs. the time constraints to get things done in Senate.